Naramachi Kidera Walk

Last modified date

New shops and restaurants are always appearing here and there

in Naramachi.

You can enjoy a pleasant stroll around Kidera「紀寺」,

a quiet area of Naramachi.

On the way, nice Japanese tea and a home-style lunch are served at Kisenba 「喜撰葉」.

Meals are served all day.

Opening hours 11:00 ~ 18:00. Closed on Mondays.

If you want look at and/or buy some Nara crafts,

how about Gallery Kusakouji 「艸小路」?

All works are created by artists practicing their craft in Nara.

Usual opening Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. (Please check website)

Opening hours 11:00 ~ 17:00.

Tired from walking? How about grabbing a Nara beer?

Several delicious craft beers are brewed and served at Mugiya 「麦舎」

You can relax and enjoy beer with homemade dishes and snacks.

Opening hours 11:30 ~ 20:00. Closed on Thursdays.

