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Making Ume-shu

The rainy season has just started in Nara.

We call it “Tsuyu” or “Baiu” in Japanese, different readings of the kanji 梅雨.

梅 means “plum”, and 雨 means “rain”.

As this implies, Ume (Japanese plum) fruit ripens in this season.

You can see a lot of Ume fruit for sale at greengrocers and supermarkets.

It’s also the season to start making some Ume treats too!

Let me show you how to make Ume-shu liquor.

These are for making Ume-shu and Ume syrup.

Ingredients : just 3 simple items!

Unripe green Ume fruit (undamaged) 1kg

Crystal rock sugar 500g ~ 1kg

White liquor (flavorless distilled spirit, 35% alcohol content) 1.8 L

(Sake or brandy can be used instead)

A glass jar that can be sealed (4 liter)

① Sterilize the glass jar with boiling water or alcohol and dry completely.

② Rinse the Ume fruit, remove the hull, and dry with a clean paper towel.

③ Place alternate layers of Ume fruit and Crystal rock sugar in the jar.

④ Pour in the white liquor gently.

⑤ Store in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Rotate the jar once a day until the crystal rock sugar has dissolved. In six months, you can drink it!

Ume-shu and Ume syrup

To make Ume syrup, just put the Ume fruit and crystal rock sugar together without the alcohol.

Of course, it’s best if you use Ume fruit grown in Nara!

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