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Fresh Green in Tawara

Nara is home to one of Japan’s outstanding tea-growing districts.

Tea cultivation in Japan began over 1200 years ago,

and “Yamato-cha” is still grown today in Tsukigase, Tawara

and other parts of Nara.

Pure water, fertile land, and the extreme temperature difference between night and day help produce wonderful tea.

In Tawara, you can see the beautiful rows of fresh green tea plants

just 20 minutes by car from Nara city centre.

Tawara is also known as the location for the film

「殯の森」(The Mourning Forest),

which won the Grand Prix at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.

For a peaceful and refreshing countryside break, why not visit Tawara?


How to get there:

By Bus 35min ¥720 (One way)

Route No. 122,124  / For Kitano 「北野 」or Shimomima 「下水間」

From JR Nara (East ) Platform No.1   (May 2018 Update)

(Weekdays )  7:41 /10:21 / 13:31 / 16:30 / 17:31 / 18:57 /19:51

(Weekends/Holidays)  7:41 / 9:11 /10:21 / 13:31 / 16:30 / 17:31 / 18:57 /19:52

Get off at 「日笠」 Higasa


≪ A few sites to visit while you ramble around ≫

Higasa bus stop ⇒10min walk ⇒

①Konin-tenno-ryo (Emperor Konin’s tomb)「光仁天皇陵」 ⇒

15min walk ⇒

②O-no-Yasumaro-no-haka (O-no-Yasumaro Grave)「太安万侶墓」


① The last emperor of the Nara period.

② Most famous for compiling and editing Kojiki,

 the oldest extant Japanese history.


Way back from Higasa bus stop (For JR Nara sta. (East))

6:45 / 7:32 /10:16 / 12:16 /15:18 /18:11


『ART & CAFE 水仙月 SUISENZUKI』 is near Higasa bus stop.

Opening hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00 (L.O. 16:30)

Closed on Tuesdays


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