Nara is known as the birthplace of Seishu (Refined Sake).
There are many Sake breweries throughout Nara Prefecture.
Naramachi is home to two Sake breweries, “Harushika” and “Yagi Shuzo”.
“Harushika” is famous not only in Nara but also nationally.
“Yagi Shuzo” in contrast is a small, peaceful place.
The main Yagi brand of Sake is “Shohei” 「升平」 (Dry, 15°)
The Plum liqueur has a lovely label design based on
Japanese playing cards.
From December to January, you can buy
“Shin-shu (Shiboritate)” (Sake Nouveau).
It’s very tasty and highly recommended!!
A free brewery tour is available, but in Japanese only.
So, I recommend asking for a free guide service
and then arranging a tour accompanied by your guide.
Opening Hours: 9 am ~ 5 pm
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays